uniper Meadow Ranch- Theresa Denham teaches riding from a well rounded perspective. Our approach which is proven for success is a holistic approach to horse handling and riding.
Theresa Denham also does equine consulting, and equine business consulting.
Theresa has successfully managed two large stables withc included activities such as breeding, boarding, training, lessons, clinics, shows, stallion management, mare care and foaling. She has the expertise to assist new stable owners by doing critical evaluations and recommending changes.
Some of these changes may be in feed management, animal management and care, optimal use of facility, and design of facility , big or small for optimum use. She will work with private backyard horse stable set ups or commercial size equine businesses to optimize their business returns.
With so many new horse owners coming into the area due to the facilities foreclosures, Theresa Denham will sit down with you and help you come up with a viable plan for your success.
Some of Theresa Certifications and affilications include:
- NW Walking Horse Trainers Association -Member and Past Secretary
- TWHEAO Member and past secretary, past vice president, past secretary
- TWHBEA - Member
- ARIA- American Riding Instructors Association - Member
- ARICP- American Riding Instructor Certfication Program -certification acheived 1997
- ASEA- (American Society of Equine Appraisers) - certification #1351
- ASAA - American Society of Agriculture Appraiser
Theresa Show history
- Multiple TWHEAO Year End Regional Championships and Reserve Championships1995-2009
- Mutliple TWH of WA Year End Regional Championships and Res. Championships 1995-2009
- National TWH Celebration top ten awards 2007-2009
- NWCHA - year end high point championship 1979
Theresa Denham, of Juniper Meadow Ranch has specialized in Tennessee Walking Horses since 1971. She also has a background with the NWCH (North West Cutting Horse Association) and she rode Dressage and Hunt horses through college.
Her background goes back to early Tennesee Walking Horse Oregon breeders such as Jinxy Blane, who showed on a national level with Merry Melody and Double Brown Allen She began a career with walking horses learning from Jinxy Blane, Diane Gueck, and others, and incorporated her classical dressage skills into the walking horse training . Theresa also rode cutting horses and western pleasure horses, and took classes from Carmen Bryant and participated in many practice nights over at Bob Motes old farm on Beef Bend road, the Wet Texas Ranch. She also did practical cattle work with Duane Shultze (a follower of Tom Dorrence and Ray Hunt) , at a ranch he co worked in Wilsonville OR. Theresa, wanting to perfect her equine riding skills worked with classical dressage and classical approach riding coaches. These coaches have included Clare Bayman (Wiltshire Riding Academy, Wiltshire England, Olympic coach) , Sally Swift, some bio-mechanic work with Susan Harris, and some classical dressage with coach Holly Johns .